The two basic reasons for processing or conditioning natural gas are:
The most common impurities are A. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), B.Carbon Dioxide(CO2), and C.Water (H2O). The Water is present as a liquid and a vapor. First, the liquid water can generally be removed in a separator or scrubber which is an integral part of the gas processing system. The content of water vapor is then reduced by bringing the gas into contact with a solid or liquid desiccant.
In chemical adsorption processes, the H,S reacts chemically (combines) with a liquid absorbent. Regeneration of the absorbent is accomplished by:
Water vapor can be removed from natural gas by the glycol absorption dehydration process (GAD) . Which is Commonly lnown as TEG GAS DEHYDRATION PACKAGE. Gas to be dehydrated enters the absorber (A) near the bottom and rises through a series of bubble trays where it is contacted with glycol. The glycol absorbs the water vapor from the gas and dehydrated gas is discharged from the absorber. As the glycol travels downward through the absorber, its water content increases. The water-rich glycol is discharged from the bottom of the absorber through heat exchangers (B) to the regenerator fractionation-distillation column (C). The water-rich glycol is heated in the reboiler (D), causing the water to be released in a vapor form. The reconcentrated glycol flows to the glycol storage tank (E) where it exchanges heat with the water-rich glycol in the heat exchanger. The reconcentrated glycol flows through an additional glycol-to-glycol heat exchanger (F) to the glycol pump (G). Then it is pumped through a gas to glycol heat exchanger (H) and into the absorber. The efficient application of heat exchange and conservative heat flux rates assure exceptional fuel economy and high overall performances.